Artistic Contributors

Thanks to these artists who have contributed their talents with ACD over the years!

Many dancers are missing, butĀ appreciated nonetheless.

Those dancers without headshots are listed below:

Brian Brooks

Phylis Davis

Paul Dennis

Ana Estrada

Meredith Fages

Dori Jones

Gregory King

Ryan Lawrence

Rusty Lawson

Jennifer MacAvinta

Mindi McAllister

Freddie Moore

Shamel Pitts

Rachel Powell

Sean Russo

Rebecca Schulman

Sarah Starkweather

Wade Watson



These artists have generously granted permission for the use of their music in numerous collaborations through the years~

Muriel Anderson

Nicole Renaud

Maria Schneider

Tamara Wilcox


These artists below have lent their talents to numerous projects throughout the years~

Don Adams

Amelia Golden

Marie Le Claire

Fay Li

Judy Lieff

Cathryn Lundgren

Jack Martin

Faith Marek

Peter Richards

Joel Stephen

Collaborating Filmmakers/Editors

Amelia Golden

Faith Marek

Benjamin Moss

Joel Stephen

Valentina Gomez Acosta