Int/Adv Contemporary Technique will be taught in this musical, fun and kinetically charged Master Class. The warm-up emphasizes proper placement, centering and fluidity of the spine. Technically challenging movement phrases are built upon in the course of this class, allowing the exploration of a wide range of qualities, spatial patterning and rhythm. Emphasis is on the dancer as a human, not a number. Mitzi is also a board certified massage therapist, and specializes in the ancient art of Jin Shin Jyutsu. She will give tips for self-help at the end of class to aid in keeping the body in good health.
When: August 26th 7:00p-9:00p
Where: 305 W. 38th Street Ripley Grier Studios (studio 311)
Cost: $30 (Cash, Venmo, CC accepted)
To Register: Send an email to:
MUST REGISTER BY: 8/25/2022 (Class size is limited)
Please do not bring resumes and headshots!!! They will be thrown away. You will be notified within a week of the class if you are selected.
ACD is following Ripley Grier’s COVID safety update:
Masks & Social Distancing are no longer mandated at RG, however they promise to continue their efforts to insure that their studios and hallways are fresh, clean and ventilated for your safety and peace-of-mind.
For up to the minute information about our COVID safety protocols, give them a call at (212)799-5433.
For more Info call: 203-829-4767
Working with Adams Company Dance in a project manner, dancers will be given the opportunity to keep their regular work, and add a professional company credit to their resume. Short-term projects can last from one day to several weeks, depending on the material. Current rehearsal fees are $25 per rehearsal hour, plus performance stipends — all above market value. An added bonus working with ACD, is learning tips in the ancient art of Jin Shin Jyustu within rehearsal periods, which is likened to acupuncture without the needles. ACD has been operating in the industry for 31 years, and continues to engage in concert dance, as well as creating cutting edge dance films. See more on Mitzi here.

Dancers: Claire Hancock and Paulo Gutierrez